In The Fray Magazine | Call for Submissions | October 2013: Incompetence + Stupidity
In a glaring example of governmental dysfunction, Congress has shutdown the US government and may default on the national debt. Many of the most powerful institutions in history have suffered from mismanagement and corruption, but that is only part of the explanation for their failures. Another is good, old-fashioned stupidity.
Organizations can be infuriatingly bureaucratic. Government leaders can be feckless, clueless, and out of touch. Legal loopholes and unintended consequences can create impairments and catch-22’s.
From social inanities to institutionalized idiocies, In The Fray is looking for pieces — both serious and lighthearted — that speak to the all-too-human nature of ineptitude. We want original news features, commentary, photo essays, and review essays focused on incompetence and stupidity.
Please review our submissions guidelines and send a one-paragraph pitch to the appropriate section editor NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 30, 2013. You may attach a complete draft if you have one.
We also welcome submissions on any other topic that relates to the magazine’s themes: promoting global understanding, encouraging empathy, and demonstrating compassion.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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